Tuesday 6 November 2012

Beauty Tips


Tip 1:

Boil 3-4 cups of water and add 2 tsp soda bicarbonate to this. Steam a towel with this and place the towel on the face. Repeat 5-6 times. Now rub the face in the area of the blackheads with a paste of 1 tsp curd mixed with 1 tsp of rice flour. Wash with cold water.

Tip 2:

Rub a pinch of table salt mixed with a pinch of the soft soggy portion of a glycerin soap. (Pears) Rub well into the blackheads. Repeat for a week.

Tip 3:

Take 1 tsp of fresh coriander leaf juice with ½ tsp of turmeric powder. Apply this at bed time and wash in the morning. Repeat for a week.

Tip 4:

Take 1 tsp lime juice mixed with 1 tsp of finely powdered cinnamon. Apply at bed time and wash in the morning.

Read more:Face Blackheads - Beauty Tips |

This depends on how you take care of your face. Start by giving yourself 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at bedtime.
Tip 1:

Take 1 tbsp of un-boiled milk, dip a small pad of cotton wool in this and rub on the face gently. Use circular movements, use upward strokes on the neck area. Leave this on for 15 minutes. Wash with cold water.

Tip 2:

Take a thick slice of cucumber. Don't peel the slice, rub in a circular motion all over the face and neck areas. Wash after 15 minutes.

Tip 3:

Halve a tomato, gently rub over face and neck and wash after 15 minutes.

Tip 4:

Take the half of a lime peel, from which the juice has been extracted, rub this firmly on the face and the neck. Using a Scrub-(once in 3-4 days).

After washing off the milk or juice - take a tsp of oat bran or wheat husk or gram flour (besan). Make a paste with a few drops of water and rub the face and neck gently with this. This sloughs away the dead cells and gives the face a glow. Don't use soap, just splash on cold water that will act as an astringent and close the pores.

Tip 5:

Use green gram powder or rice flour mixed with curds instead.

Oily Skin: If the face is oily,

After a bath as a base for make-up use some diluted limejuice to dab on before application of foundation or any other make-up.

Tip 6:

Diluted buttermilk dabbed on the face and left for 15 minutes, gently wipe with moist cotton wool before applying make-up.

Tip 7:

Rub the face well with an ice cube.

Tip 8:

Slice an Apple into thin slices. Place these on the face and leave for 15 minutes. These soak up the extra oil and helps to close pores.

Read more:Face Cleansing - Beauty Tips | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/face.asp#ixzz2BSz2FN8c

Tip 1:

Should use scrubs to remove the dry scaly skin.

Apply ½ tsp of Vitamin E oil with 2-3 drops of lime juice and ½ tsp of glycerin.

Tip 2:
Apply a mixture of 1 tsp warm Olive oil with a few drops of glycerin and 2-3 drops of lime juice.

Tip 3:

1 tsp of milk cream with2-3 drops of lime juice mixed well. This should be applied 10 minutes before a bath. It reduces the dryness and also is good when applied in Winter.

Tip 4:

Plain, whole milk, applied and left on for 10 minutes and washed with cold water helps.

This should be done twice a day.

Read more:Dry Skin - Beauty Tips-Face | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/facedryskin.asp#ixzz2BSzRFMLl

Exfoliate - Especially During MonsoonsExfoliate - Especially During Monsoons
Advantages of exfoliation-

Exfoliation removes the layer of dead cells and opens blocked pores. When you remove dead cells – you are actually removing sun damaged, discolored and dry skin.

Exfoliation helps reduce wrinkles, ingrown hair, spots and fades out scars.

The skin appears younger and fresh due to exfoliation.

Along with your face it would be a good idea to exfoliate the neck, knees and elbows.. Exfoliate at least twice a week.

There are some simple ingredients which can be used for exfoliation-

Mix 1 teaspoon of sugar with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Massage face and neck area and rinse. Baby oil can be used instead of olive oil. For oily skin you can use 1 teaspoon of honey with a spoonful of sugar.

To one teaspoon of coffee grounds add enough coconut oil and make a paste, gently massage the face and neck with this. Coffee has stimulating properties and improves blood circulation along with cleaning pores.

Mix some kosher salt (sendha namak or rock salt) with just enough olive oil to make a paste. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Massage face and neck with a circular movement. You can use it for arms and legs too. After a shower you feel very clean and relaxed as the dead cells have been sloughed away with the paste, while salt rejuvenates the skin.

Mix some rice flour to a tablespoon of orange juice and add some oatmeal. Use this to massage face with a circular movement.

Grate some fresh pineapple pulp and apply on the face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse. Pineapple is acidic and contains the enzyme bromelin which brightens complexion and reduces open pores and white heads.

Mix equal amounts of semolina and gram flour with some milk to make a paste. Apply on face and leave for 10 minutes and wash. For an oily skin a few drops of lime juice may be added. This will clean the face of dead cells and dry skin.

Read more:Exfoliate - Especially During Monsoons | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/exfoliate-especially-during-monsoons.asp#ixzz2BSzzhKLG

Eyes- Mirror your Soul, Face - Mirrors Health!Eyes - Mirror your Soul, Face - Mirrors Health!

The chin reflects the reproductive organs, both male and female.

A red chin with expanded capillaries:

 This condition indicates that prostate health in men has to be looked into.

 The person may be indulging in excessive amount of fatty and spicy food. Cheese, butter, meat, eggs, sugar and alcohol need to be checked.

Swollen Lower Chin:

 When the lower chin is swollen or has wrinkles the reproductive organs may be affected.

Pimples on the chin: 

 Show mucous and fat in the glands of the reproductive organs. Drinking lots of water and eating light nutritious food will clear it up.


The upper lip is all about the upper digestive system and the lower lip indicates the health of the lower digestive organs.

Pale Lips:

 Are a clear indication of anemia and low haemoglobin.

Dark Lips:

 These are a result of too much fat and salt intake. Indicate a lethargic liver, kidneys and bladder.

Yellow Tinged Lips:

 The liver and gall bladder are unable to digest excessive amount of eggs, cheese and chicken in the diet.

Pinkish White Lips:

 When a person overdoes the dairy products along with sugar and fats, the lymphatic system becomes weak. At times the person may have some skin allergies or asthma.

Black Spots: 

 These appear when the diet is rich with carbohydrates like – sugar, jaggery, honey or too many sweet fruits.

Vertical Wrinkles:

 Dehydration is the main cause of these wrinkles. Salt and dried food need to be decreased.

White Patches:

 When these appear - build up of saturated fats from foods like eggs and cheese slow down the liver function.

Dried and Crusty Skin at the Corners:

The quality of edible oil may not be the best. Eating too much of greasy and oily food.

Pinkish Red: 

 This is the normal lip color, which indicates a good blood circulation, respiration and digestion.


This feature is about the nervous system and blood circulation.

Swollen tip:

 This is due to too much of sugar, fats and oils. The blood circulation and excretory systems are weak.

Red Nose: 

 This is due to a sluggish liver.

Expanded and Broken Capillaries:

 The liver and heart seem to be over worked.

White and Patchy Skin:

 This condition is due to excessive salt and a diet which has hardly any vegetables and low on fluids.


The cheeks reflect blood circulation, respiration and parts of the digestive system.

Pale Cheeks:

 This is due to too much of cheese and cream in the diet. Paleness is caused by fat cells in the lungs and large intestine, with a sluggish liver. This causes lethargy.

Red or Pink Cheeks:

 This is caused by excessive alcohol, soft drinks, drugs and strong medication.

Dark Spots:

 Too much of coffee is one cause and also due to fat and mucous accumulated in the lungs.


 Pimples happen due to high amount of meat, dairy products, oil and fat.

 They occur due to collection of fat and mucous in the reproductive organs, digestive system and lungs.


 When too much of sugar, jaggery, milk and fruits are eaten in excess the lungs eliminate these in the form of freckles.

 Bridge of the Nose:

Reflects health of Pancreas:


 Lines are caused due to over worked pancreas also the quantity of eggs, and sugar need to be decreased.


 Appear in this area due to too much of meat and eggs in the diet.


The condition of the area around the eyes is about the physical, mental and spiritual health.

Reddish color around the eyes:

 This happens when there is too much of alcohol intake and also due to too much of sugar and soft drinks. Reddishness is caused by sluggish kidneys and a poor circulation.

Yellowish color around the eyes:

 The result of an over worked liver and gall bladder. There is an excess amount of cheese and dairy products in the diet.

Purplish color around Eyes:

 This occurs due to drugs, high amount of sugar, chemicals and medication.

Grayish color around the Eyes:

 The amount of meat, eggs and salt in the diet, needs to be decreased. The kidneys and lungs are affected.

Pimples around the Eyes:

These pimples form due to eliminations of fat and protein from meat and sweets. Due to this the pancreas, spleen and kidneys are strained.

Under Eyebrows:

 The skin under eyebrows sags, wrinkles or is puffy at times due to unhealthy eating. This corrects itself in a few days by eating balanced meals.

Bags under Eyes:

 The puffy and swollen bags under eyes are due to mucous secretion, the kidneys are slow and sluggish.


The temples correspond to spleen, pancreas, liver and gall bladder.

Dark Color:

 The elimination of excess amount of jaggery, honey, chocolates, and dairy products shows as dark color in the temples. The kidneys, pancreas and spleen are sluggish due to this.


Upper Forehead:

This represents the health of the excretory system, heart, kidneys and bladder.

 The red in this area is due to drinking too much coffee, juices or alcohol. The excretory system is affected by frequent urination and indigestion.


 Intake of too much of oil, fats, meat, sugars and coffee on a daily basis results in pimples.

 Middle Forehead:

This area relates to the Nervous System.

 Reddishness in this area is due to excessive drinking of juices, tea, coffee and soft drinks. It results in feelings of anxiety and nervousness.


 They are due to eating refined flour in excess.


 Freckles are the result of elimination of sugars, honey, drugs and too much medication.

 Lower Forehead:

This area relates to the digestive and respiratory systems.

White Patches and Spots:

 They are indicative of collection of fats and mucous in the lungs and digestive system.

A Greenish Color:

 This indicates collection of fat and mucous, which lead to formation of cysts, tumors and sometimes cancer in the respiratory and digestive systems. This happens due to excessive amounts of meat, sugars dairy products, drugs and medication.

Read more:Eyes - Mirror your Soul, Face - Mirrors Health! | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/eyes-mirror-your-soul-face-mirrors-health.asp#ixzz2BT0mydag

Masks for Clearing BlemishesMasks for Clearing Blemishes
Grate half a cucumber and blend it with a cup of oatmeal. Add 1 teaspoon of yogurt to this, to make a paste. Apply on the face, taking special care to cover blemishes and leave for 10 minutes. Wash gently with cool water. With regular use this mask will soften and smooth acne pits.

This is a simple one – grate cucumber and strain to collect ½ a cup of juice. Add 1 tablespoon sugar and mix well. Apply this on face and neck area, leave for 15 minutes. Wash gently with cool water and splash some cold water to close pores. The skin will clear up and glow.

Take 1 teaspoon of brewer’s yeast and mix it well with 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Apply this paste and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash gently with cool water. This helps to clear blemishes. Repeat every other day for 2 months.

Mash some boiled carrots to make a cup. Apply thickly on face and leave it on till it dries or for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold milk first and then use cold water. This is very good for acne marks and pits.

Use a blend of 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of rose water. Apply on face and neck every night and go to bed. Wash with normal water in the morning. If this feels sticky– wash it after 40 minutes.

Peel and grate some green papaya. Mash well or run it through the blender. Apply this as a thick paste for 20 minutes before washing face. This works well on acne and pit marks and brings a smooth and glowing complexion.

Take 2 tablespoons of green gram (moong) powder and make a paste with water. Leave on the face for 20-25 minutes and rinse with cool water. This clears pimples, acts on wrinkles and moisturizes skin as well. The powder can be stored in a jar.

Rub a nutmeg against a stone with some cold milk to get a paste. You can finely dry grind 4-5 nutmegs and store the powder. Mix 1 teaspoon of nutmeg powder with 2 teaspoons of cold milk and apply this paste on the face. Leave it on for 20 minutes before washing gently with cool water. This removes acne marks and lightens skin tone.

Castor oil is very popular and known to remove blemishes and pigmentation. Apply by moving fingers in a circular direction. Use this twice a day. Avoid using if there are any pus filled pimples – as the oil will aggravate them. Avoid using castor oil during pregnancy.

Take 1 tablespoon of gram flour (chick pea flour). Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt to form a paste. This has exfoliating properties as well as fading blemishes. This mask is effective and safe to use as it does not cause any reactions. A few drops of lemon juice may be added.

Make a mask with 2 tablespoons of sandal wood powder and 2 tablespoons of rose water. After washing your face with warm water, apply this paste and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash with cool water. This mask generally suits all skin types.

Blend the juice of ½ a lemon with 1 egg white. Apply this mask on face and neck and wash after it dries. It can be kept on face overnight. This will tighten skin and is especially good for open pores.

Take the water from a green coconut or tender coconut and apply on blemishes and for pigmentation. This can be applied on dark elbows and knees as well. It lightens the skin tone. This water is said to remove pox marks.

Face masks – which are made from natural ingredients, will take a little longer to show results, though regular care will definitely show positive and long lasting results.

Read more:Masks for Clearing Blemishes | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/masks-for-clearing-blemishes.asp#ixzz2BT1epVJ9

Oily Skin - Scrubs

1. After a bath, and as a base for make-up use some diluted lime juice. Dab it on very lightly on the face. Wait for 10 minutes before using foundation or make up.

2. Diluted buttermilk is also dabbed on the face and left on the face for 10-15 minutes before any other application.

3. While preparing for a night out or a very special party, rub a cube of ice all over the face. Let it dry and then use make up.

4. Slice an apple very thinly. Place these on the face and leave for 15 minutes. These soak up extra oil and also helps to close pores.

5. Take 1/2 a cup of rice flour, and 1/2 a cup of mashed ripe papaya. Add the juice of 1/2 a lime. Wet the face and gently massage the face with the paste. Always do the neck also.

6. Take 1/2 cup of green gram powder, add 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Add enough water to make a paste. Use it to scrub the face gently. Wash with cold water. Do not use soap after the treatment.

Some Masks for Oily Skin

1. Soak 4-5 almonds overnight. Next morning peel and make a very fine paste. Mix 1/2 a teaspoon honey in this and apply. Wash after 20 minutes.

2. Take 1 tablespoon of fullers earth or multani mitti and 1 teaspoon rose water. Soak the mud for a while with very little water. When it is moist and pliable add rose water and mix. Apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. Let it dry and gently wash.

3. 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon honey. Mix both together and apply with a brush. Wash after 7-10 minutes.

4. Mix 1 tablespoon orange peel powder with 1 tablespoon honey and 1/2 teaspoon lime juice. Apply and leave for 10 minutes. Wash.

5. 2 tablespoons corn starch, 2 teaspoons margosa leaf juice, 2 teaspoons sandalwood powder and 2-3 drops of olive oil. Mix. Apply with a brush. Let it dry well. Wash with cold water.

6. Take 4 tablespoons mint paste and grind fresh mint leaves, 1/4 cup ripe papaya pulp, 2 teaspoons gram flour and 1/2 limejuice. Mix and apply. Wash after 15 minutes.

Face Mask for Pimples

2 tablespoons fullers earth

2 tablespoons sandalwood powder

2 drops of garlic juice

1 egg white

rose water

Read more:Face Scrubs and Face Packs - Beauty Tips | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/facescrubs.asp#ixzz2BT23GhO6

Men Shaving and Skin CareMen Shaving and Skin Care
Apply enough shaving gel or foam as the razor will glide smoothly causing less friction. Wash the razor to remove foam and hair after every stroke.

Use a good shaving brush with natural bristles, the movement of the brush building up lather readies facial hair and skin for exposure to the steel blade.

Use razors with moisturizing strips as these aggravate skin less.

To avoid razor burn and ingrown hair always shave in the direction of the growth.

Take some time shaving, as quick and hard strokes present more chances of cuts and burns. Use both hands to shave – one to wield the razor and hold the skin taut with the other.

Splash some cold water on cheeks and neck immediately after shaving - to close pores.

Try not to use blades – multi or single for very long – change before they are blunt.

For the inevitable cuts, rub some ice till it stops smarting, can stick a piece of toilet paper to stop the bleeding. Apply some toothpaste on new pimples to dry them out.

Tingling and burning of the after shave lotion you splash on may feel invigorating, but it is due to menthol and propylene glycol with synthetic fragrances – so they do not necessarily kill bacteria, rather they burn the skin. Use a mild toner or an after-shave balm for sensitive skin.

Use a face wash instead of body soap as this cleans pores - as a result of which there are fewer breakouts.

Use a moisturizer as men are equally prone to wrinkles. Pat under eye cream gently around eyes. Wear sunglasses to avoid squinting in the sun.

Take time to trim hair from the nostrils and ears as this looks gross – use a special trimmer.

When your eyebrows are extra thick and bushy – it would be a good idea to trim them, and at the same time try to keep eyebrows from joining as unibrows are not very attractive.

If you sport a beard or goatee – keep it neat. Use a conditioner to wash your beard as it is easier to trim when the hair is softened.

Use a q – tip to clean wax form your ears, at least once a week.

Read more:Men Shaving and Skin Care | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/men-shaving-and-skin-care.asp#ixzz2BT2MSRY7

Pimples and AcnePimples and Acne
Eating chocolates or fried stuff will not make too much of a difference, but healthy eating -3 servings a day of fruits and vegetables will help. We need to drink a lot of water, have meals with whole grains and greens to avoid constipation.

Some Don’ts:

 Wash your hands frequently and try not to touch your face too often.

 Keep your hair from falling on the face or forehead.

 Avoid the use of make-up; try to let the pores breathe.

 Don’t squeeze or pinch the pimples as the membrane gets ruptured and causes the sebum and bacteria spread.

 Don’t wash your face more than twice because the more we wash the sebaceous glands become more active and produce more sebum.


 Instead of soap use powder made from dried orange peels or use a paste of fresh orange or lemon peels.

 Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel on the pimples, it will soothe and heal the pimples.

 Apple cider is extremely powerful cure to clear the pimple scars as well as pimples. Mix ½ teaspoon in a cup of water. Apply gently on the entire affected area with cotton wool and leave overnight.

 Garlic is an excellent cure for acne - A freshly sliced pod can be gently applied on the pimple or a juice of garlic can be used, and left on for at least ½ hour. Although this stinks it is a pretty effective method.

 Using raw papaya is a splendid method; grated papaya can be squeezed through a muslin cloth and the juice can be used. The enzyme papain is very suitable.

 The juice of mint leaves applied overnight for 2 weeks constantly will clear acne.

 A blend of honey and limejuice can prove to help with constant usage.

 Change your pillow cover every day so that the infection has no way of getting back to you.

 Gently apply some ice on your face after a warm water bath so that the pores close.

These remedies can be used for pimples and acne on the face, neck and shoulders.

Women do get pimples with their menstrual cycles, which fade away on their own. Sometimes people inherit this dreaded ailment.

Read more:Pimples and Acne - Beauty Tips | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/pimples-and-acne.asp#ixzz2BT2bVZLU

Soft, Pink Lips NaturallySoft, Pink Lips
Healthy and pink lips are every girl's dream. Texture and colour of your lips can reveal a lot about your health and lifestyle. The trend of smoking, consuming alcohol and trying out different cosmetics on your lips can make them look dark and unhealthy. When the face is beautiful, why detract the allure with dark, chapped and dry lips. With a little bit of care, you can achieve pink, luscious and attractive lips, as you ever wanted.

Apply honey on lips at bedtime and massage with a soft brush next morning this will clear the entire dry and scaly layer on the lips.

 Take a handful of rose petals, add some cream and make paste and apply on the lips, you will see your lips become soft and pink.

 Half a teaspoon of olive oil, sugar and honey, mixed well and applied on lips will pinken and soften lips.

 Grate some beet and squeeze out the juice. This applied on the lips will definitely give you soft, pink lips.

 Coriander juice, carrot juice and mint juice are all beneficial for soft and pink lips.

 Slice a lime into half and apply on lips in a circular motion.

 Apply the cream that is got from boiled milk, it moisturizes the lips and keeps them soft.

 Two to three raspberries mixed with a spoon of aloe vera gel and a drop of honey is a great way to achieve pink lips.

 A mixture of glycerin and lime juice at a 1:1 ratio will significantly lighten dark lips.

 Regular use of Vaseline or petroleum jelly will keep the lips soft at all times.

Read more:Soft, Pink Lips Naturally | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/soft-pink-lips-naturally.asp#ixzz2BT36Kzy7

Skin Care for 50 PlusSkin Care for 50 Plus
There are some simple tips to keep skin healthy and nourished.

 Try not to expose yourself to direct sunlight between 10am-4pm. Protect your face, neck and arms with sunscreen lotion to avoid photo ageing and flaky skin. Try to wear a full-sleeved shirt and wear a scarf or a hat. Don’t forget to wear sunglasses as they will keep you from squinting in the glare of the sun.

 The best time to moisturize your body is after a bath - while your skin is still moist. Apply sunscreen lotion, even when you are at home.

 Exfoliate on a weekly basis as this will keep the skin clean from dead cells and a scaly look.

 Use cold water to wash and bathe as the loss of moisture will be less compared to using hot water. Pat skin dry.

 Include a lot of fiber in your diet as this will keep toxins away from your body.

 Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day.

 Avoid use of heavy foundation and blush as these will lodge in fine lines and show up wrinkles and liver spots.

 Use a colored lip-gloss instead of lipstick as this will keep your lips soft and will not high light wrinkles around the mouth area.

Frecklesthat did not bother you earlier may at times grow bigger and look patchy.Liver spotsare very disturbing as they look bad. They must be checked by a dermatologist as they sometimes turn into skin cancer. They are usually harmless and are caused by extra melanin production – for some people these are hereditary.

The common method preferred by women is either getting a chemical peel or a dermabrasion, which means that the top and spotty layer of skin is peeled away either with the use of a chemical or rubbed with something alike sandpaper.

The skin turns red and scabs will form - which clear up after a few days – though at times there is some scarring.

There are some home remedies, which may be used instead:

1. Dip cotton wool in lemon juice and apply on the affected areas, leave for 10 minutes before washing off. (Use this only when skin is not sensitive to lemon juice.)

2. Ripe, mashed papaya fruit can be applied liberally and left on skin for 20 minutes.

3. Break open a vitamin E capsule and apply the gel on affected area. Wash after 15 minutes.

4. Massage the skin with castor oil, using circular motions, done regularly this will lighten the spots.

Wear your age and skin with care and dignity. Regular skin care will keep you looking a svelte and glowing mature person.

Read more:Skin Care for 50 Plus | Medindiahttp://www.medindia.net/beauty/skin-care-for-50-plus.asp#ixzz2BT3QQe2o

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